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Exploring the Crisis of Meaning: Insights from John Vervaeke

Writer's picture: Adriaan van ZylAdriaan van Zyl

In today's fast-paced world, the quest for meaning in life has become more pertinent than ever. John Vervaeke, a renowned thinker in the realm of cognitive science and psychology, sheds light on this critical issue. His insights provide a comprehensive understanding of why many individuals today feel a profound sense of meaninglessness and what can be done to address it.

In a 2019 UK survey, 80% of respondents felt their lives were meaningless. This staggering figure underscores a widespread existential malaise. Surprisingly, financial reasons, though commonly believed to be a primary cause, contribute less to this feeling once basic needs are met. Instead, anxiety, a nebulous sense of disconnection and concern, plays a more significant role. Vervaeke draws an intriguing parallel between anxiety and horror. Anxiety, unlike fear which has a definite object, is atmospheric and leads to a disconnection from reality. It’s akin to low-grade horror, pervasive in our society, and has severe consequences, including an increase in mental health issues and even suicide.

The absence of meaning in life can lead to profound psychological, physiological, and social problems. It is predictive of anxiety, depression, and even suicide. Vervaeke emphasizes the difference between the 'meaning of life' and 'meaning in life,' suggesting that the latter is more crucial for our well-being. Vervaeke explores various cultural phenomena that reflect this crisis of meaning.

The popularity of zombie mythology, for instance, mirrors the sense of aimlessness and disconnection experienced by many. He also notes the rise in mental health issues, political disillusionment, and a growing tendency towards virtual escapism. Interestingly, Vervaeke highlights how people find a semblance of meaning in video games, which offer a narrative structure, a set of coherent rules, and opportunities for self-transcendence and flow. These aspects are missing in real life for many and are essential components of a meaningful existence.

Vervaeke identifies four crucial factors for meaning in life: purpose, coherence, significance, and mattering. Purpose alone isn't sufficient; one also needs a coherent world view, a normative structure that allows for self-transcendence, and a connection to something greater. A significant aspect of Vervaeke's analysis is the idea that our cognitive processes, while adaptive, make us prone to self-deception. This paradox is inherent in the human condition and requires constant vigilance and adaptive strategies to overcome.

Vervaeke argues that unlike traditional societies, modern culture lacks clear pathways for cultivating wisdom and overcoming self-deception. He advocates for an "ecology of practices" within supportive communities and worldviews to address this gap.

John Vervaeke's insights into the meaning crisis are both profound and urgent. They call for a societal shift towards practices and environments that foster a sense of connection, purpose, and coherence. As we grapple with the challenges of the 21st century, understanding and addressing the crisis of meaning is not just an intellectual exercise but a vital necessity for our collective well-being.

Unlike our ancestors, we don't have a clear path to wisdom in today's world. Vervaeke urges us to create what he calls an "ecology of practices" - basically, a mix of habits, communities, and beliefs that help us stay wise and grounded. So, what does all this mean for you and me? Well, it's high time we start focusing on creating lives and societies where we can truly connect, find our purpose, and make sense of the world. It's not just some brainy exercise; it's crucial for our happiness and sanity.


  • Feeling lost is more common than you think, and it's not all about money.

  • Anxiety is a real buzzkill and can lead us to some dark places.

  • Find your purpose, make sense of the world, grow as a person, and connect with something bigger.

  • Watch out for your brain playing tricks on you!

  • Let's build communities and practices that nurture wisdom and meaning.

Remember, finding meaning isn't just about solving a personal puzzle. It's about creating a world where we all feel a little more connected and a little less like zombies wandering around. Let's get to it!


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